. news ....................................... News from 06.09.2009 / 15:38h NEW Willson Live Dates… News from 06.09.2009 / 14:12h Website is under construction… News from 03.11.2007 / 17:12h NEW album »kleine« out today! ....................................... |
. music
. Willson live ....................................... NEW live dates coming soon... 10.10.09 Valentin Stüberl, Berlin 17.10.09 LOW NOISE FESTIVAL Astra-Stube, Hamburg 27.10.09 Intersoup, Berlin 07.11.09 Wärmehalle Süd, Leipzig 08.11.09 Wohnzimmer, Dreden ....................................... |
. media ....................................... . . Photo . Video . ....................................... |
. friends ....................................... . . www.freemee.de . www.isolee.de . www.debrün.de . www.zoik.de . www.dingdong.ag . www.einlegen.de . www.hui-hui.de . www.girl.tv . www.planetenundblumen.de . www.radpropaganda.org . ....................................... |
. Contact ....................................... . . js@willson-musik.de . www.myspace.com/willsonmusik . ....................................... . . Website: Code & Graphic by Tim Kaiser . This site is hosted by the girl.tv . community. Do not try to steal any . materials from here© 2009. ....................................... |